Dental Care 101: Sugarless Chewing Gum

Defend your teeth against dental erosion, and complement your oral health care with sugarless gum. As unrealistic as it seems, sugarless gum can indeed be used to help make your teeth safer and cleaner. However, the reasons for its benefits are not entirely and correctly known by most people. For a deeper understanding on what sugarless gum can do for... read more »

Waterpiks: The Facts

You probably know that you need to keep your teeth clean if you’re interested in avoiding problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Similarly, you’ve probably heard that brushing, flossing, and visiting our dentist once every six months are things you’ll need to do to keep your teeth clean. However, did you know that there are other things you might... read more »

A Fluoride Treatment Will Give You Stronger Tooth Enamel

Even though your tooth enamel is very hard it can still be weakened by consuming acidic foods and drinks. Over time this process, of demineralization can promote problems with tooth sensitivity and tooth decay. Be sure to tell Dr. Mark P. Swensen and Dr. Haslam about any recent sensitivity issues. If your teeth show signs of tooth decay problems, or... read more »