Whitening Toothpaste Helps with Tooth Enamel Stain Prevention

Stains on tooth enamel often result from surface stains penetrating into the tooth. Cutting back on dark foods and beverages as well as abstaining from tobacco use will significantly reduce your chances of stain particles being introduced to your teeth. At the same time, brushing your teeth with a high-quality whitening toothpaste can remove surface stains before they have a... read more »

The Various Causes and Cures for Stained Teeth

With the bevy of over-the-counter whitening options available, having a whitening procedure performed at the dentist’s office may seem a bit redundant. However, the fact remains that it’s actually much easier, quicker, and efficient to get whitening done at the dentist’s office. Over-the-counter whitening systems can be hit-or-miss. Many of the products can be dangerous to your teeth and gums,... read more »

Adding Whitening Toothpaste to Your Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

Your smile says a lot about you, and a smile that has been dulled by aging or staining issues from dark foods, beverages or tobacco use can leave you feeling self-conscious in social situations. The source and depth of the stains on your teeth, will help to determine which the whitening products or procedures will be required to meet your... read more »